How To Protect Yourself From Digital Eye Strain


Digital devices are increasingly becoming ingrained into the public’s daily lives. Every year, almost 200 million new users join the internet. Although this use of digital devices has been proven to increase productivity, it has also ushered in the rise of certain health conditions, specifically in relation to the eyes.

As of 2023, the average person’s screen time globally is almost seven hours daily. Contrary to this, eye experts only recommend up to two hours of device usage per day. Studies have shown that this prolonged exposure to digital screens has caused more people to experience symptoms of digital eye strain, such as irritation and dry eyes. If you struggle with digital eye strain, here are five ways to protect your eyes.

Blue light glasses

Eyewear is one of the leading solutions when it comes to combating digital eye strain. According to experts, artificial blue light from screens is one of the leading causes of eye fatigue and dryness. As such, several eyewear companies have begun offering special blue light coatings on their lenses which can filter out blue light frequencies thus reducing eye strain. Wearing blue light glasses while staring at screens can alleviate painful symptoms and shield the eyes from other harmful effects. You can get a pair of glasses at LensCrafters, which offers blue light lenses on frames from popular brands like Ray-Ban, Oakley, and Persol online. They even have blue-violet light filtering lenses for additional ultraviolet (UV) light protection from the sun. Many eye experts recommend using blue light lenses if you stare at screens for several hours a day.

Eye drops

Multiple studies have explored how working with digital screens lowers the blink rate and promotes partial blinking. This is often the cause of dry eyes associated with digital eye strain. Using eye drops is one way to provide your eyes with much-needed moisture. There are plenty of eye drops available today that offer relief through artificial tears. Eye drops with thicker consistency are recommended for longer-lasting lubrication. Brands like Systane and GenTeal Tears have gel-like eye drops and are available in most pharmacies like Walgreens or CVS. Use these eye drops once or twice a day to prevent getting dry eyes from digital strain.

20-20-20 breaks

It’s common for those who get too focused on a task to have uninterrupted screen time. However, not letting your eyes rest is one of the leading causes of eye fatigue, as well as head and neck tension. Some health experts suggest taking a 20-20-20 break to help your eyes recover from eye strain. This means taking a 20-second break to look at something 20 feet away after every 20 minutes of screen time. This will allow your eyes to rest from all the light it has incurred. An easy way to remember your regular breaks is to set alarms at 20-minute intervals before you start working and subject your eyes to eye strain.

Night mode

Bright screens at night often promote dry eyes and cause headaches. This is because the white light from screens and monitors, which is more intense in a dark room, reflects onto the eyes and adds heat and stress. Modern devices now come with features to alleviate such symptoms. Using night or dark mode in dim environments can provide much-needed relief. Studies have proven that dark mode increases visual acuity and lessen eye fatigue. Most mobile devices and computers have settings wherein you can set a schedule for night mode. As soon as the device clock reaches a certain time, it can automatically switch to dark mode without you having to adjust it. Remember to use night mode if you often use devices in the dark.

Nowadays, prolonged exposure and eye strain from digital devices seem unavoidable. Follow the tips above to protect your eyesight and prevent eye strain.

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